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Showing posts with the label Boundaries in Forgiveness

Why 'Forgive and Forget' Can Be Harmful: A More Thoughtful Approach to Forgiveness

 The adage "forgive and forget" is frequently promoted as an easy way to get past hurt and betrayal. It implies that to move on from a transgression, one must both forgive and forget about the transgression. Despite the seemingly good intentions underlying the statement, it may be detrimental and deceptive. Here are some reasons why the saying "forgive and forget" is harmful and what constitutes a more constructive way to forgive. The Problem with “Forgive and Forget” Overlooks the Complexity of Emotions More than just letting go of rage or bitterness is involved in the complicated emotional process of forgiveness. The notion that an offense may be easily forgotten ignores the potentially profound emotional impact it may have had. Instead of ignoring these feelings, healing frequently necessitates addressing and processing them. Promotes Suppression of Feelings People who anticipate to "forget" may choose to repress their emotions rather than deal with the