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Showing posts with the label Evidence-Based Therapy

One of the Most Effective Treatments for Improving Anxiety and Depression: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

 Anxiety and sadness are common mental health issues that impact millions of individuals globally. While there are many other therapy options available, one of the most successful methods for addressing these disorders is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). This article examines CBT's mechanisms of action, advantages, and reasons for being a useful technique for enhancing mental health. Understanding Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) The goal of cognitive behavioral therapy, a time-limited, systematic treatment, is to recognize and change the harmful thinking patterns and behaviors that underlie anxiety and depression. The foundation of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), which was created in the 1960s by psychologist Aaron Beck, is the notion that our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are interrelated and that modifying unhelpful thinking patterns may enhance emotional well-being.  How CBT Works The foundation of CBT is the idea that our thoughts have an impact on our emotions an