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Showing posts with the label FOMO and digital minimalism

Digital minimalism: Why and How to Become a Digital Minimalist

 The concept of "digital minimalism" stresses the deliberate use of technology, pushing people to concentrate on a small number of high-value digital pursuits while cutting back on low-value diversions. This strategy is especially important in our increasingly digital environment when anxiety and feelings of stress can result from the continual onslaught of alerts, social media posts, and digital information. The next segments go into the fundamentals of digital minimalism, highlighting its advantages, obstacles, and doable actions to embrace this way of living. What is  Digital Minimalism Digital minimalism is really about putting quality over quantity in our digital interactions. Digital minimalism is "a philosophy of technology use in which you focus your online time on a small number of carefully selected and optimized activities that strongly support things you value and then happily miss out on everything else," according to Cal Newport, a well-known proponent