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What Is My Passion? 7 Questions to Ask to Discover Your Passion

 Many people set out on the road of discovering their passion, yet it can occasionally seem like an unattainable objective. Passion encompasses more than simply interests or pastimes; it also refers to the core emotions that motivate your behavior, the things that bring purpose to your existence, and the endeavors that bring you the greatest sense of aliveness. You may feel much more fulfilled and purposeful if you know what really motivates you, what gets you out of bed in the morning, and what you would do even if you weren't paid. Here are seven important questions to ask yourself to help you find your passion if you're having trouble identifying it. 1. What Activities Make Me Lose Track of Time? Being completely absorbed in a task to the point that you lose track of time is one of the most revealing indicators of enthusiasm. This state, also known as "flow," is what happens when you are completely absorbed in something that you find interesting and challenging at