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9 Bedtime Routines: Things That Successful People Always Do Before Bed

 Success is frequently the result of routines and everyday habits that have been carefully developed over time. The hour before bed is one of the most important times to form these behaviors. Your total productivity, mental clarity, and physical health can all be significantly impacted by the way you spend your evenings. Here, we look at nine nighttime rituals that prosperous individuals consistently follow to make sure they're ready for the difficulties of the next day. 1. Turn off all electronics The temptation to always be connected in this digital age is great, but those who are successful know how important it is to unplug before bed. The hormone that controls sleep, melatonin, can be produced less effectively by devices that generate blue light, such as laptops, tablets, and smartphones. They enable their body to naturally shift into a state of calm by turning off these gadgets at least an hour before bed. They may read a book or listen to calming music, or they could take up