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Showing posts with the label PTSD and Trauma

Understanding the 6 Types of Trauma: A Comprehensive Guide

 Trauma is a strong emotional reaction to an incident or sequence of circumstances that exceeds a person's capacity for adjustment. Trauma may have a lasting effect on one's physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Although traumatic occurrences are frequently linked to trauma, more subdued, accumulated experiences can also lead to trauma. Recognizing and treating the impact that various forms of trauma have on people requires an understanding of these types of trauma. This article examines the six main categories of trauma, illuminating its causes and their effects. 1. Acute Trauma One traumatic occurrence that lasts just a short while causes acute trauma. This kind of trauma is usually linked to a big, unanticipated incident, such as a violent attack, natural disaster, or catastrophic accident. Feelings of shock, terror, and powerlessness are common components of the strong emotional reaction to the incident. Even though the consequences of acute trauma are transient, they