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Showing posts with the label Self-reflection and accountability

Facing the Mirror: Why Accountability Makes Us Uncomfortable

 It's common to extol the ideal of accountability as something that fosters good relationships, professional achievement, and personal development. However, a lot of us have trouble with it and get uncomfortable or defensive when we are made to answer for our deeds. But why is it that accountability unnerves us so much? The intricate interactions between societal norms, human psychology, and our natural need to preserve our self-image hold the key to the solution. Let's examine the causes of our unease with accountability and how to come to terms with it. 1. A fear of criticism and judgment The Role of Ego: Our fear of criticism or judgment is at the root of our uneasiness with accountability. Admitting our errors or faults might make us feel as though our value has been attacked, which makes our ego protective. We frequently use this fear as an excuse to avoid taking on responsibilities or to shift the blame. Cultural Conditioning: While failure is shunned in many cultures,