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Showing posts with the label how to kick bad habits

Breaking Bad Habits:7 Ways to Kick Addictive and Toxic Habits

 Everybody has bad habits they'd like to kick, like grabbing fast food, browsing social media nonstop, or putting off doing necessary chores. While some of these behaviors can first appear innocuous, they have the potential to develop into toxic, addictive behaviors that affect our mental and physical health over time. The good news is that with the correct techniques, changing unhealthy behaviors is quite doable. These are seven practical strategies for permanently breaking bad and addictive habits. 1. Identify the Root Cause The first step to breaking harmful behaviors is realizing what sets them off. Triggers may be from situations, the environment, or feelings. For example, boredom may cause you to go for junk food, while worry may cause you to smoke. You can spot trends and determine the root reasons for your habit by keeping a notebook in which you record the instances and motivations behind your actions. Consider what sets off the habit for you. Is it worry, tension, or bore